A young fair-headed child looks softly into a mirror. She wonders at her pale skin and iceberg eyes, becoming involved in intimately experiencing herself directly, the eye seeing exclusively. She is certain that there is no imaginingat all.

Each slow blink of her long lashes reveals a different person there in the large mirror surface: male, female, young, elderly, of many different complexions – a compendium of karmic identities. And someone photographs this procession of reflections obsessively from behind her, flash bulbs sizzling, the shutter rasping.

Then, as the rapid flick of images stops, from the side, dark elegant hands offer white robes of fine cotton to decorate the smooth skin of this mirror child. The child accepts them, slowly raising them towards her nose to absorb the scents of “jasmine” and “Japanese cedar,” names which she repeats to ensure that sensing is exclusive, then letting the sounds of the words drop away with their idea.

The dark hands then offer a large stem of pink lotus complete with several woody seed-cases. The lotus is the only plant in existence which produces seeds whilst still in flower, and which can thrive in the poorest patch of mud.

The child smiles and walks out of the reflection, cool bare feet spreading on marble.

art by Mariko Kinoshita

6 Responses

  1. Thanks for this beautiful account of Life, dear Sister, with its numerous facets;

    Perhaps we should all engage in this ‘re-flection’ exercise, in the mirror of someone’s else life? in the mirror of some elderly beings?

    A few thoughts, my dear, on a grey Tuesday morning.

    Long live Eternity–knowing we usually grasp so little of it!

    Love & much Light,


    1. Hello my dear,
      Thank you for your precious comments. I hope you are surviving in that ‘cold morning’ place?
      Eternity will be eternal, I promise. And knowing will know if it is kept away from that dead thing knowledge!
      Kisses and smiles from my third home to my second home!

      1. Thank you dear Sister!

        I truly love your promise 🙂

        And believe it or not, it is not that cold in eastern France; just grey and rainy.

        Love & much Light my dear

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