massive diamond







The field of energy humans inhabit is not as it appears to diverse human eyes. The arts give expression to the vast differences in individual views: today, the disparate imaginations of around 7.4 billion are at work every moment. These local energies are surely not separated by skin and skeletons though the logical brain insists they are. Therefore, if we close our eyes and our mind’s relentless analysis and classification, our energies merge into one fabulous multi-faceted diamond. Such a gem can illuminate every dark corner of the universe with divine light, purging away all the accumulated impurities.

Our sensitivity to each other has been deadened as the eyes have gained the monopoly on the material world. Progress and civilization have gradually removed the necessity of using the spiritual eyes and along with it unconditional looking. But we can once again use our ancient tools of divination and healing by cleaning away the accumulated detritus on our diamond facets. Our suffering, our conflicts, and doubts, form the grinding wheel that will remove the layers. The masters invite us to accept and embrace our adversity so that we can uncover our true nature, our Buddha nature and cut away all our negative karma.

Light exists without conditions. We humans are beings of light in our divine form, and light is love and goodness. It needs the darkness and evil so our deteriorated and diluted essence can apprehend it. So let your light flow to consume the darkness so that everyone can see with their spiritual eyes.

grinding wheel

0 Responses

  1. I so agree, dear Sister, that our Light needs the darkness in order to shine ever brightly.

    I was reflecting on that point in the past few days – why is it that I find so much darkness right at home? In the midst of my “cave”? Where I can’t go any further but face it.

    I did a bit of sage cleaning a week ago, going around the house three times, and then within the house, twice.

    Energies are more fluid and our son sleeps much better, amazingly.

    I will end this note by a beautiful diamond-polishing mantra. Gratefulness flows because this mantra does wonder:

    Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

    Love & much, much Light my dear

    1. Hello dear brother,
      I am tuning into you eh? It’s good though perhaps painful that you are in the dark. I feel you are holding on tightly to something that you should let go of. If you stay still with the darkness, breathe in the silence, your own light will intensify. You don’t need to look outside.
      Yes, there is healing to be done where you are – original people of the land suffered, the natural environment was plundered. Take the environment inside on your breath, gazing on it with your spiritual eyes. I sense fear in your centre, and often have actually, so this is what you have to confront, to face.
      I see you snatching the flames of that fear with your bare hands and smothering it. This will remove all your obstacles. The source of disabling fear is in the mind, so let go of your mind entirely by focusing on your breathing. Walk slowly and surely into the vast field of consciousness where all is healing.
      Stay close and let me know what you feel as you do it.

      Speak soon dear one.
      Let the incredible strength of your ancestors which culminates in you grow at this time.

      1. Thanks, dear Sister,

        Personally, I was talking about a different level ; not so much darkness within, but rather within my immediate environment. I’m sure you know what I mean.

        Which makes a lot of spiritual sense to me as I am striving to control the mental body. Not an easy feat, and yet I could see progress on the path, and the recurring signs of “being tested by fire” (the fire of the mind) are spotted more easily these days.

        I just have to remember my mantra when the sh** hits the fan, “Oh, ah, that’s what’s going on again! Thank you very much!”

        I will send you a personal email to let you know how it goes.

        I don’t know how meaningful to you “initiations” are (transfiguration and so), but they seem to make a lot of sense in my life.

        Many thanks for your loving support, and much Love & much Light, dear Sister


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