The world of words demands that we churn out concepts and assertions mindlessly. Each word creates an image in our visual libraries and memory banks. The bridge of the mind leading out to the vast field of consciousness is so cluttered with verbiage and images that we cannot move. We are blocked in.
But unblocking is not just a matter of clearing out, discarding our highly documented lives out on to the scrap heap. No matter how badly they make us suffer by living always indirectly, marooned in our own minds, we have created them in our unique way. They are what we amount to so far, our materials. But we can be sure that materials are not permanent.
So we can first acknowledge them, accept them as our way up to this point, and then we can tenderly build a fire and set them alight, watching them burn with gratitude. They are a means whereby and without them we would be deprived of their richness.
In the desert, in the Dreaming Lands, aboriginals set light to large tracts of land to promote new growth in the universe, and to send cleansing smoke up to the sky travelers. Japanese Buddhists write prayers and mantras then burn them in a special Homa fire to convey them into the invisible world, and to burn away human delusions. Fire cleanses and promotes new growth, so let go of the archives and new growth is guaranteed to appear. The bridge will instantly be unblocked.
We must keep creating because that is our modern way, teeming with diversity, but we can discard, empty the trash on a regular basis, and spend a little more time each day in the great still silence where words and images have no purpose. Then we can slowly and steadily intersperse listening with looking because sound is concrete whereas images are abstract.
And words? Concentrate your attention on the sound of the words instead of the meaning. Listen to the heart behind the words that reach you and linger lovingly there without reacting or categorizing, or trying to make them permanent. They are the utterances of a fellow true spirit after all.
With a sincere heart and awareness, you can cease to assert and window-dress your ego when you interact with other true natures in your vicinity. Asserting is merely a desperate attempt to make yourself and your world permanent in someone else’s eyes, and in your own. It excludes and separates.
When you speak remember that you are essentially spirit so you must express yourself in an artfully vague way like a breeze, the rapid flapping of the wings of the hummingbird, or the constant fluttering of a candle flame.
We actually have no single ‘claim’ to make via our soft lips or balanced on plump tongues because we are pure love energy, and the human throat is best-suited to singing. Instead of words, fingers and eyes and warm breath and our unique fragrance will register our sincere heart with perfection. Therefore, it is wise to refrain from talk until you have checked your free flow of love.
Thanks for this one, dear Sister. Your posting marathon continues!
I personally believe, based on what I am experiencing, that it is important to empty the garbage can (of what no longer serves us), level the inner playing field, and then start creating…with some divine help, if one wishes!
Love & much Light, my dear
Hi Gilles,
Yes, I will continue with Temple Chronicle until the end of this month in tandem with Japanese winter austerities. It’s a great discipline every day. I’m really enjoying the rhythm. In the meantime, I’m editing my next manuscript ready to present yo agents at the beginning of March. I have to really write intensively during vacation or else I lose my thread, especially with a large creative non-fiction work. Hope I can get a great agent and contract and then write full-time.
Yes, I know how creative you are and open to divine help.
Interesting how ‘mindfulness’ eludes people because they are not in touch with their true nature only their homespun virtual reality. Paying attention is the last thing we need to do. As you say, there’s much more movement in the notion if mindfulness.
Thanks for the Bill Attride. A Cathar sibling I guess.
Sleep tight and dreams of paradise here and now.
Thanks, dear Sister,
Sleep is not far indeed.
Have a lovely evening on your end!