My teachers are too numerous to mention: My beloved parents were my first, and my grandparents. All the people I have shared a relationship with, be it bad or good. All human beings I have had the great good fortune to encounter. More specific revered gurus are Jesus Christ, Buddha Shyakyamuni, St. Francis of Assissi, Tara, Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Charlotte Bronte, Virginia Woolf, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Turner, Rumi, F.M.Alexander, Moshe Feldenkrais, Don Burton, William Styron, Geshe Gyatso Kelsang, Sogyal Rincpoche, Sangarakshita, Steve Klick, Nichiren, Lama Seunam, Kalou Rincpoche, H.H. Dalai Lama, Mariko Kinoshita, H.H. Shinjo Ito, H.H. and Shinso Ito.